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The balcony is back and bigger than ever!

The coronavirus lockdown has hit those people who live in apartments hard. Especially in the centre of the city the best many can often hope for is a balcony. A balcony can easily transforms an apartment from a cage into a royal box with the simple gesture of opening a double door for example. In Wonderwoods every apartment has its own lush sky garden; that’s how we like to call our balconies. Not only is the primary benefit of a balcony the extra space you will have but you can also enjoy the great outdoors at your leisure.



A balcony is a great place to have some outdoor furniture and host guests for gatherings; whether it is just a catch-up, drinks or a dinner party. Research has shown that spending time outside can benefit your immune system, improve eyesight, reduce stress and enhance creativity! What better reasons to embrace the outdoors?

Although you will be surrounded by lush greenery all day adding potted plants you can even brighten up and add a dash of colour to your life and won’t even take up a lot of space! 


We believe a balcony connects people to the outside world. The interior with the exterior making you feel right at home and in touch with nature, the vital source of our well-being. A balcony; your little haven and (perhaps escape) from the world if you feel like it.


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